Archives for category: computers


Hello void. Once this was a well taken care of blog. There were friends and lots of exchange. Until…life took over and i didn’t put any more effort in this great space. Enough. Still life is in command and still is midnight here so that’s why i have some spare time. The fact is that writing is the best way for me to communicate with myself and you void is the best listener. You don’t expect gain and you don’t judge violently as social media does. By the way how angry and bureaucratic live in social media is growing to be. We are moving from 6 to 600 degrees of separation because of it. Anything is a reason for you not to agree and when you don’t agree in social media you must retaliate. Trump is surely a post social media president. He wouldn’t survive the old days of letters and post cards. Not enough room for discontent. As a result of all this now we have computers as main interlocutors between human interactions. I’m not sure it’s a good idea for us humans. I guess for computers it’s ok. Some people say some day computers will take over anyways. In the meantime i wish to get back to a less rude form of digital interaction and the space is exactly it. Thanks void. I hope you get back being a populated space with friends and exchange. Good week to you…

Today i was robed in a really different way. At least for my internet money robbery was not my reality until now. I heard many people saying: change your password and make it difficult. I never did. Actually i used the same password for most things online. No more. At 5 am today someone got into my skype and used it to make 200 bucks in calls to Pakistan. All different numbers so there’s nobody i can try to blame on the other side of the line. Those were probably prank calls. Just  to use the money. Skype has this bad habit as most internet companies do have to convince you to use automatic renewal. If i didn’t use it they would not spend my 200. They would probably spend 10 bucks. So i learned my lesson: taking more care of my digital wallet because as i talked to them this morning i learned they will not give my money back or even leave that amount as future credit. They say my password is my business. I guess it is.

This week the world was in shock and full of sadness for someone that is remarkable. Steve Jobs is dead. I know there are many more important people in the world but he is someone that really contributed more than the regular guy for sure. And because of his exposure to the media he was really well known and adored. After hearing many conspiracy theories about the fact that important people don’t just die i think his desease and really quiet and noble twilight proves this is all bullshit. If there is a guy in the world today that could have total access to doctors and new technologies to help fighting for survival this guy was Steve Jobs. Yet he died and he was buried in a small ceremony as a normal person with a family would. No cryogenic conservation of his body or any weird thing expected by some. Just a regular guy. This fact alone means a lot. It means he was only a person like everybody else and it means we have in ourselves the tools to be as amazing as he was. It means that during his short lifetime he made so much he will be remembered for some time. And ultimately it means that with the right opportunity and the will to do something a person can go as far as he did without being a superman or someone from out of this world. I think this is a great legacy. The proof that anyone can be someone really special. This commercial from the 90’s showed a lot of hes vision about this matter. I knew it well but never before i heard it in the voice of Jobs himself. I just learned he recorded an option with his own voice. It’s amazing…