Archives for posts with tag: god

We build our lives under the impressions of what we think our life it.

We hope and we get. We don’t hope and we don’t get it.

It’s like this huge universe of possibilities providing infinitely.

It’s pure quantum physics. It;s the world of Jesus.

That briliant son of god told us we should have faith.

Heaven belongs to those of faith and one only needs it to enter heaven.

One only needs to believe in god to be saved.

Saved from the fear of hell. From the fear of fading forever and having nothing left

to be remember. To loose the amazing moments spent in life.

After all probably this life here is what they call heaven. It’s when we are all

united. We are all one and all sons of god. Made of the same matter and

exchanging in infinite ways matter and energy.

If this is not heaven then what it is?

Anyway your faith will build what you believe in.

So you better believe in something. But how can you after learning this?

It seams like cheating. If i just need to believe something will happen it will?

Is it that simple?? Funny. I’m quoting Jesus again. I guess it is that simple.

Then why is it so hard to see it working? Why most feel they are in hell?

What is really the Devil? Maybe it’s the knowledge that all of this is and that’s just it.

It’s not a lie but if you take faith out of this equation everything becomes grey and

lifeless. No wonder the Devil is so powerful. He is the lack of hope. The lack of

faith. Hey! I’m quoting religion again even if i’m not trying at all. They say the

greatest trick the Devil ever played is to make us believe he doesn’t exist.

That’s what i’m saying all over again. The Devil is the non existence of belief.

Is the idea of “there’s nothing but this here”. It’s not a wrong idea but it’s twisted

because “this” can be what we want. Anything really. So a question remains.

What happens when we die? I guess if we have faith it will happen according to

our beliefs. If we don’t it will be just what it is. Faith in what? In these very things

we are talking about. The power of make things happen. The universe that

works for us. God we are and god it is. See…religion again!!!

To continue this challenge i’ll stay in Mexico… Mexican love Faces… You see it everywhere in their culture. It probably have something to do with their ancient gods… I took this shot outside the arena for the fights “luchas libres”… I got myself a couple of these masks…They’re awesome!!


It’s very rare for me to use a topic suggestion for the post a day challenge but sometimes i gotta do it for the sake af writing about demands and other people’s topics. Also this is an interesting question that can define a person’s beliefs so it probably have many answers. For me evil is one of the many faces of our coins. Our human minds imagine reality and the universe and understand it using opposites.  It’s everywhere. Day and night. Young and old. Male and female. Good and evil. Right and wrong. We can not understand one without the other. So evil is the opposite of good. How can one understand good without the existence of evil? How can one value their arms and legs without knowing someone that has no arms or legs? How can one know the value of health without knowing sickness? How can one search for freedom without knowing what it means to be a prisoner ? I believe it’s all part of the same thing. God. That’s what god is for me. It’s everything and everywhere. So as we are all the world are part of god and god is in all of us also evil is part of god. The devil for those who believe’s in it is also part of god. So that’s what i think about evil. It’s the “heads” in one of our many coins where “tails” will be in the other side. I believe in one thing and i believed in it all my life: the most similar thing to any other thing in this universe is it’s own opposite.