That’s a REALLY polemic issue so if you are faint at heart please stop reading it. I had lunch with a good friend and we were talking about gadgets and tech when after years i learned he was one of them. The believers. I’m really not either one thing or the other but still i can’t pretend i don’t get amazed by the power of imagination. For some reason i realized the topic never came up because when it did my friend came out of the closet: He is an active believer. In case some of you don’t know what i’m talking about there’s a huge amount of people who not just believe that extra terrestrial life is a possibility (that i too believe) but they are sure it’s happening right here and right now for as long as life on earth existed. They claim aliens lives among us in disguise performing important things for the benefit of mankind. Surely those workers in the japanese nuclear plant were aliens who were kind enough to take the heat for human beings. My friend was trying to explain to me why he was sure Einstein was an alien and also Jesus Christ. For what i understood from that conversation many of you probably believe in things like that as well. There are other factions as the ones who believe they are here collecting data and someday they’ll end our world. There’s one really radical that i can relate with. They say we are the aliens dropped on earth millions of years ago. That could be possible in my point of view. The fact is the aliens are here in the mind of a great amount of people and it’s interesting to wonder why does that happen. Maybe in this plural world we live just to have a god is not enough anymore. We need heroes and aliens and celebrities and thinkers to show us the way and tell us what to do. Maybe we are getting really worried about what a dump is our planet becoming and we are trying to find an easy way out. E.T. phone home.