I gotta confess here. I may love to do many things the world have to offer. Travelling, fancy places, great shoes, Shakespeare in the park, fast cars, good pizza, great sex, culture and more.But i gotta say the little things are those i enjoy the most. I prefer a million times the warm sun on my face lying down no the park than the mess of a great trendy club. I love New York but the main things i love about it are usually free. I prefer looking at the tourists with their boats on the lake in central park than sitting on the Champagne Room with all sorts of models walking around. Maybe being 41 and having time to experience these events many times helps understanding nothing usually comes out of this kind of experience. I’m not talking about spiritual wellness. Just that you will not finish the night with the model and even if you do, in sober daylight she won’t look as good and last night. The stronger feeling you keep is bankruptcy one. Yes… That’s a feeling and anyone can surely feel bankrupt after a night like this. But let’s go back to my subject. I’m not sure why but i would prefer to spend this money to spend an afternoon eating “mules et frites” and drinking wine. That goes well with conversation. Other thing i love. I can see a pattern in things i like. To put my feet on sand and get into the ocean. To look at the sky for a lot of time. To observe people moving around. That’s where i find life and life makes me smile. The only thing i need is to disconnect. That’s why i love travelling. When i’m at my house there’s always so much happening it’s like champagne room all over again. But when i go away where nobody can find me i can become a voyeur and start looking at it. And then i see life! “The catcher in the rye” is all i can say.